Can You Feed a Rat Cheese
Can rats eat cheese or is it poisonous for them? As children, we've seen dozens of cartoons with rats, mice or hamsters enjoying large pieces of cheese. But were those cartoons based on true facts? Well, to a certain extent, yes. But it all depends on the type of cheese your rat eats, as some types can be harmful for it.
Can Rats Eat Cheese? What Types Of Cheese?
Yes, cheese is a safe food for your rat. Although it is one of the foods your rat can eat, you should keep in mind that some animals are lactose intolerant and might suffer if they are fed cheese or products containing lactose on a daily basis. Lactose intolerance leads to diarrhea.
Cheese should not be incorporated in their daily diet but should be more of an occasional treat. Cheese can be really fattening for some rats, especially if they are not particularly active throughout the day.
At the same time, make sure your rat stays away from blue cheese. It contains mold which is poisonous for you baby rat. Since rats can't vomit, your rat may eventually die.
How Is Cheese Classified?
Well, cheese can be classified according to the next criteria:
- Type of milk used – cow, sheep, goat or buffalo
- Fat percentage – low, semi-low, high, the highest.
- Batter consistency – soft, semi-hard and hard
There are numerous types of cheese that you can feed to your rat. At the same time, you can find cheese with different sorts of condiments, sweet cheese or even cheese with greens in it. Cheese is very popular in France and Italy. French people are known to eat a lot of cheese as an appetizer while Italians have the famous cheese called Parmesan used in a variety of dishes, especially in pasta and on pizza.
In France, one of the most famous types of cheese is the one that has mold in it. While it may sound a bit disgusting, the cheese itself has a raw, somehow bitter taste but it is not as bad as it sounds. There are different types of molds: blue, red, white. The blue cheese is dangerous for your rat, as I previously stated. Also, try to avoid the cheeses that are too high in fat or that contain all sorts of herbs and condiments. Stick to the regular, low-fat cheese.
How To Avoid Poisonous Food?
First of all, you need to find out which foods are good for you rat and which are not. Although, the rat can eat almost everything you are eating, there are a few restrictions out there. These forbidden foods usually upset your rat's stomach, cause diarrhea or other health problems. Also, some foods are considered fattening and this is why your rat should not eat them.
Write down all the foods that your rat can and cannot eat and place the list near your rat's cage. Anytime you want to feed him new foods, you can look it up on the list if it's safe for him.. Make sure your list does not contain only forbidden foods but also those that must be fed in moderation. It is of high importance to have your rat on a balanced diet.
What Else Can I Do To Keep My Rat Out Of Danger?
Besides making the list and consulting it every time you are feeding your rat, you also have to be extra careful when you let your rat explore around. Not all people are rat lovers and might try to poison yours if they see it. Make sure your house does not have any holes your rat can crawl into and get to your neighbor. At the same time, make sure your windows are closed or that your rat does not have access to them. This way, you will prevent your rat from escaping and getting poisoned.
In the meanwhile, instruct everyone in your family to check the food list before feeding the rat. If you have friends that come over often, instruct them as well. You never know which one of your friends grows quiet fond of your rat and accidentally feeds it something he is not allowed to eat. Note down every food it was given from other people, if you want to keep track of what he has been eating.
At the same time, know that rats have a way of keeping themselves away from new foods. They taste it and then wait a few minutes or even longer to see if something happens. This way, they know exactly what is good and what is bad for them. So, have patience whenever introducing new ingredients to your rat's diet.
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